3 Steps to Become a Professional Speaker

Launch Your Speaking Career with Unpause Your Dreams Creative Studio

As a speaker and coach, I often get asked, “How do I start getting paid to speak?” The simplest answer is to get started and get yourself on more and more stages. While this might sound straightforward, securing that first speaking gig is more challenging than it appears. Many aspiring speakers find this daunting and feel tempted to give up. Don’t let this be you. Instead, embrace creative strategies to chase your dream of speaking onstage. This guide outlines an actionable plan to kickstart your speaking career today.

1. Rent the Space

Your first step is finding a venue for your initial talk. If you’re an aspiring speaker in the Charlotte, NC area, Unpause Your Dreams Creative Studio is crafted just for you. Designed to help you stand in front of an audience and speak confidently, our studio accommodates up to 50 people—perfect for a substantial yet intimate gathering. If you’re not in Charlotte, look for a similar venue that can cater to a small, engaged audience.

2. Get an Audience

Attracting an audience is your next move. You can either sell tickets to cover expenses and earn a profit, or invite family and friends for free. This crucial step fills the room and enhances the quality of your event’s video content. If undecided, starting with familiar faces is an excellent way to dip your toes into public speaking. Their support will not only boost your confidence but also help you appear more natural and engaging on video.

3. Hire a Videographer

Content creation is essential—it’s your social proof! To leverage your speaking event fully, hire a professional videographer to capture high-quality footage. This material serves several purposes: a speaker reel to help you land future gigs, a long-form video of your talk for YouTube to boost your visibility and establish expertise, and short clips for dynamic content like Instagram and Facebook Reels, blog posts, and YouTube Shorts.

Pro Tip: Maximize Your Content

To further capitalize on your event, bring several outfits and plan multiple talks. At Unpause Your Dreams Creative Studio, use our dressing room to change looks and tackle different topics. This approach not only enriches your content but also showcases your versatility, enhancing your online presence and positioning you as an expert.

This plan simplifies the process of starting your speaking career into three manageable steps: rent the space, gather your audience, and record your event. Follow these steps, and you’ll not only have successfully hosted your first talk but also created valuable content to propel your future speaking endeavors. So, stop overthinking—rent the space, assemble your audience, and hire the videographer. Your speaking career is waiting!

About Charlene Ridley

I’m Charlene Ridley, a seasoned speaker, coach, serial entrepreneur, and the founder of Unpause Your Dreams Creative Studio. If you’re a woman in Charlotte, NC, aspiring to launch your speaking career, it’s time to act. Book your slot at Unpause Your Dreams Creative Studio and transform your speaking aspirations into reality.