Podcast Studio Rental

This Charlotte Podcast Studio Rental is the perfect place to record the podcast you’ve been dreaming of.

Video Podcast Studio

Podcast Rental $75/Hour

Charlotte Podcast Studio. Bookings are available for hourly rental or monthly podcast membership.

The podcast room is a separate space in the Unpause Your Dreams Creative Studio. Bookings are available to exclusively to women clients (you may bring in male guests) and can be rented on a hourly basis or via podcast membership.

The Podcast Studio is equipped with two (2) microphones, audio mixing board, 2 chairs, professional lighting, sound reduction curtains, and a faux grass wall that can be customized with your podcast’s LED sign.

Podcast Studio

Bring an SD memory card for audio only podcasts. For video podcasts, you need an SD memory card and video recording device (ex. phone, camera, laptop).

*Add-on service to podcast studio rental is Short Form Video Content Creation. For every 2 hours of long form video provided, we will edit & create 45-60 short form video pieces for you. This service is added at checkout.

Podcast Membership