Community & Events

Connect, Create, and Grow

A Community for Women Entrepreneurs

Connect with a vibrant community of women who are entrepreneurs, speakers, hobbyists, coaches, content creators, photographers, podcasters, and webinar hosts. Share your journey, collaborate on projects, and create lasting relationships that help grow as a person and move your dreams forward.

The Connect: community of women entrepreneurs

Monthly Programming: Wellness and Empowerment

Focus on Holistic Wellness

At Unpause Your Dreams Creative Studio, we believe a healthy mind and body are foundational to creative and entrepreneurial success. Join our monthly wellness and empowerment programs tailored specifically for women, designed to help you stay at the peak of your health and creativity as you pursue your dreams in business, personal development, or career advancement.

community of women entrepreneurs

Monthly Unpause Your Dreams Signature Events

Bites, Brains & Business Building (2nd Thursday of every month)

Join us for our monthly mastermind with light breakfast, networking, and business brainstorming, problem-solving and building.

The Connect – Women’s Networking Event (Last Thursday of every month 6:30 pm)

Join us for our monthly networking event. Women that have attended have created new relationships (business & friendships), booked new clients, learned new skills and become part of a community.

*If you are interested in sponsoring, providing an item for raffle (and share about your business) or teaching a miniseries at one of these events email